About Us
Quality shows in the details
ET Elastomer Technik GmbH intends to provide a zero-defect production. A consistent end-to-end
quality management in combination with a process focused production reduces possible error
sources to a minimum in all parts of the value-added chain, so that we can guarantee the permanent
improvement of our products.
Strong partnerships
As a matter of course, we require our suppliers to follow the same quality standards. We exclusively
work with products of internationally leading companies and choose our partner companies based
on the quality of their products. This is how we guarantee that only premium-quality materials
supplied by the leading manufacturers are held in the ET product portfolio.

“To experience the joy of producing positive products for the benefit of the human beings and the environment.”
- Absolute Honest and Integrity
- Zero compromise on product Quality
- Respect for indivisual initiative and personal growth
- Tolerance for honest mistakes
- Respect for the environment
- Corporate social responsibility
- Customers,Suppliers,Employess and Bankers are partners
- Strive to be lowest cost producer